UiAdoc 1st General Assembly and board elections
tor. 16. mai
|University of Agder
We are happy to invite you to the first General Assembly of UiAdoc, the new association that will represent, support and bring together all PhDs and PostDocs at UiA. The first General Assembly will take place on 16 May 2019 at UiA, campus Kristiansand, room B2 004.

Time & Location
16. mai 2019, 08:30 – 15:00
University of Agder, 4630 Kristiansand S, Norway
About the Event
The first General Assembly will take place on 16 May 2019 at UiA, campus Kristiansand, room B2 004.
Transport will be organized at 08:00 from Grimstad to Kristiansand, and at 15:00 from Kristiansand to Grimstad. Please indicate in the registration form weather you need transport and are you participating in the entire event or just in the morning session.
Important dates:
1. Call for applicants for board member positions (deadline May 9th)
We invite all PhDs and Post Docs that would like to be part of the board of UiAdoc to send their applications to Shaun Falconer (shaun.falconer@uia.no) latest by 9th of May 23:59. You can find the requirements and descriptions of the board positions HERE.
The application should include:
- name of board position for which you are running
- name of department
- the end date of your work contract with UiA (the candidates should have left on their contract a period of time equivalent to at least 80% of the duration of the position that they are running for - see UiAdoc statutes section 3.1.2)
link to UiA page with information in English (must include a paragraph about your research and relevant information about your professional background)
- motivation letter, including why you are applying and what you will bring to UiAdoc board and what previous experience recommends you for the role- maximum one page. (Please note that the motivation letters will be made publicly available to all PhDs and PostDocs)
Be prepared to answer questions from PhDs and PostDocs in the period between 9-16 May.
2. Call for amendment proposals to statutes (deadline May 9th)
Please consult the draft version of the statutes HERE and propose amendments to the statutes using the form at the following LINK.
- 08:00 Transportation from Grimstad to Kristiansand
- 08:30 Start of event (registration and coffee)
- 09:00 Plenary presentations, debate and voting of the statutes of UiAdoc (working version of statutes available HERE)
- 10:30 Coffee break
- 11:00 Continuation of debate and voting of statutes, presentation of board members, voting
- 12:30 Lunch
- 13:00 Results of board voting
- 13:30 Thematic workshops on the future plans of UiAdoc
- 14:30 Closing of GA (sparkling wine/fizzy drinks celebration)
- 15:00 Transportation from Kristiansand to Grimstad
For any further questions, please contact Shaun Falconer (shaun.falconer@uia.no).