Hei alle sammen,
(My Norwegian proficiency ends here 😝, beklager)
UiAdoc is organizing a summer event for everyone. Sørlending for en dag
If you are keen to join the group event, please register in the link below.
Link for Registration: https://forms.gle/7BGeg23csYoyK4uG9
registration is first come first serve. This link helps us plan the event for everyone and coordinate from our end.
We have proposed 2 days to hold the event with maximum of 12 participants on each tour.
Dates: 17th of July and 24th of July.
The trip costs 499 NOK (UiAdoc will contribute 50% of the fee for all members registered for the event)
Time: 11:00, Duration: 3 hours including lunch (as per the trip information on the website)
Maximum Participants: 12 in each group
#Please note that if we have more members willing to attend on a weekday, we can introduce another batch for a weekday with 12 participants. Please get in touch with saishashank.balaji@uia.no or me (gulshan.noorsumar@uia.no) for more details
This event is an open event, and we cannot block tickets so please register asap to enable us to block tickets for the weekend.
Please note that family members/partners/friends are welcome, however UiAdoc financial support is only applicable for UiAdoc members.
Short Description about the Tour: follow link above for more inputs
Do you want to learn to row in step with others in a journey, learn more about southern culture and history and bring a wonderful lunch from Hos Moi on the trip?
Together with Barnas øy, Odderøya museum harbor arranges a three-hour rowing trip in a walk around Odderøya where you and instructors get to learn about southern culture, important knots, navigation and the importance of cooperation. A trawl is a solid work boat that was used for warships in the 18th and 19th centuries. Together with instructors and other participants, you get a unique experience of the coastal culture in Sørlandet, and they will teach you southern expressions such as "javel", "se de" and "i sava", expressions that can be vital if you are to communicate with a southerner. .We offer this wonderful journey into the heart of the most southern every day in the period 12-25 July with departure at. 11 from Odderøya museum harbor in Nodeviga 38. The trip must be booked in advance and costs NOK 449 for children and NOK 499 for adults.
If you do not have a life jacket, this can be borrowed from us.
Description in Norwegian
Har du lyst til å lære å ro i takt med andre i en travalje, lære mer om sørlandsk kultur og historie og få med deg en herlig lunsj fra Hos Moi på turen?
Sammen med Barnas øy arrangerer Odderøya museumshavn en tre timers rotur i en travalje rundt Odderøya hvor du sammen med instruktører får lære om sørlandsk kultur, viktige knuter, navigasjon og betydningen av samarbeid. En travalje er en en solid arbeidsbåt som ble brukt til orlogsskip på 1700 og 1800- tallet. Sammen med instruktører og andre deltakere får du en unik opplevelse av kystkulturen på Sørlandet, og de vil lære deg sørlandske uttrykk som “javel”, “se de” og “i sava”, uttrykk som kan være livsviktige om du skal kommunisere med en sørlending.
Vi tilbyr denne herlige reisen inn i kjernen av det mest sørlandske hver dag i perioden 12.- 25. juli med avgang kl. 11 fra Odderøya museumshavn i Nodeviga 38. Turen må forhåndsbestilles og koster 449 kr for barn og 499 kr for voksne
Dersom du ikke har redningsvest, kan dette lånes hos oss.
Hurry Up! We are looking forward to meeting everyone
God sommer!